Young Quarab, Finn, has a great personality and is ready to start! Could you be his person?


Finn is halter trained and ready to start. With TLC, he is now at the weight he needs to be. Finn has a great personality, he walks like a TB giraffe and he has a pretty large frame, that’s growing, but then if he gets on the muscle, throws the tail over his back and floats and snorts… he’s kind, we can pet him all over, he is a baby, and can get pushy over food. He gets a scoop of Triumph 12-8 and 2 big flakes of alfalfa twice a day. He is a fan of carrots, apples and treats and takes them nicely. His hip was sore to touch for a bit, but now he carries himself better and is not weak in the rear. He is available in our foster to adopt program. If you are interested in Finn or any of our other horses, please talk with us about transportation if you don’t live near where the horse currently resides.

  • Registered: No
  • Age: 3
  • Date Foaled: 01/26/2022
  • Color: Bay
  • Gender: Gelding
  • Is this a rescue?: Yes
  • Rescue's Name: Stone Valley’s Ray of Hope Equine Rescue
