Find answers to your questions about buying, selling, and listing horses We have tried to address the questions we have most often below. 

How do I create an account?

To create a new account, click on My Account in the top right corner. From there, you will be taken to a page where you can either login or register, select register. We did not bring old accounts over from the previous version of so all users will need to make a new account. After you have registered, you will receive an email confirming your account. Make sure to use a valid email, as it is both your username and the way that buyers and sellers communicate with each other. 

Where is my old account?

When creating the new site, we did not bring over old accounts, many users had multiple accounts and matching them up 
was causing too many issues, so we are starting fresh. All users need to create new accounts.

How do I reset my password? 

If you have forgotten your password, click on My Account in the top right corner of the screen. On the next page, at the bottom of the login section, click on Forgot your password. You will be given the option to change it.

How do I change my login information?

If you need to update any of your login or account information, login to your account and select “Account Details” from the left hand menu, all of your information can be updated there.  Save the information when you are done.

How do I place an ad? 

To place and ad on, click on List Your Horse at the top of the page, from there, select the category of listing, and the breed. You will be taken to a page to add all details about the horse including age, height, weight, color etc. You also have the option to add photos and links to videos. For best viewing, please make sure that photos are less than 800 pixels wide by 300 pixels tall.  Press the submit at the bottom of the page when complete. 

How long until my ad is live on

We review all ads that are placed on the site, ads will be live within 72 hours of posting. 

How long does my ad on last?

Ads will remain live for 120 days after being posted, unless you mark the animal sold. Rescue ads do not expire. 

How do I mark sold on my animal?

When you animal has sold or is no longer available,  login to your account and select My Listings from the left hand menu. There will be a list of all animals you have on the site, click on the three dots at the right of the page and in the drop down menu select “Mark as sold”. 

Can I delete an ad once i’ve posted it?

Yes, to delete and ad, login to your account and select My Listings from the left hand menu. There will be a list of all animals you have on the site, click on the three dots at the right of the page and in the drop down menu select delete. 

Can I talk with potential buyers?

Yes! Buyers can email you directly or you can use the chat feature on the website. In your account, you can look at any active chat conversations. Please be aware that not all buyers are legitimate, nor are the sellers. Do not give out personal information or send money to anyone until you know that they are legitimate. 

Can I share my ads on social media?

Yes, to share your ad on your facebook page, look for the F for Facebook icon on the listing, that will share it directly to your page. 

How do I search for horses on the new

You can find listings by clicking on View Listings in the top menu or by clicking on the magnifying glass and entering search criteria. You can search by state, breed, discipline, color etc. Search results are not always perfect, you can also scroll through the pages of horses for sale. 

Can I save horses i’m interested in?

Absolutely, to save a horse that you are interested in, just click “Add to Favorites” and then they will show up in your favorites list on your account page. You can remove them at any time. 

What if I suspect a horse ad is fraudulent?

Please report it to us immediately by selecting Report Abuse on the listing page. Do not engage in communication with the seller and please do not send them any money. Sellers should never ask you for a deposit online or for a fee to view the horse. Money should not be exchanged until you or your agent has seen the horse in person and negotiated the deal. 

How do I contact the Seller?

To contact the Seller, you have a couple of options, you can click on “Message to Seller”, which will email the seller directly from your preferred email account. Or you can select Chat, it will show if the seller is online at that time, but if they are not, the message will show up for them when they login to their account. They can respond via the chat window and if you are not online, that response will be there when you login again.

I run a horse rescue, how do I list my horses on partners with A Home For Ever Horse, all rescues who have been approved by AHFEH can place ads for available horses on for free. Membership is validated before posting. 

When you have created the ad for your horse, on the detail page, be sure to mark the box next to rescue. In the field below that, type in the name of your rescue. We will confirm that your organization is a current member of A Home for Every Horse and publish your ad. 

Will promote my rescue horses in other ways?

Sometimes! We pull horse ads from for our website, newsletter and social pages at times to help them get exposure. 

What if I am taken to a payment page for my rescue horse ad?

When building your horse listing, be sure to select ‘rescue’ so that we know you are a member of A Home For Every Horse. All rescues get an unlimited number of free listings. At the payment page, just hit submit and your ad will go into a pending queue for us to approve. You can bypass the payment. If you make a payment in error, contact us and we can reimburse you for any paid rescue ads. 

Can I search for rescue horses on the site?

We are working on a solution to be able to search just for rescue animals on the site. If you type in keyword searches like adopt, adoption or rescue, most of the rescue ads come up. 

If you do not find the answer to your question above, please email us at