
Appalachian Brumby Pony
Buttermilk Buckskin
13.1 hh
FEE: $1500 (fee is increasing with training)
TRAINING: Lacy is a beautiful mare but she is sensitive and reactive. She is Currently with Marrese Mustangs to help get her ready for her #Right Person! She has also spent time with Patrick King. Please inquire if you are intested and have the ability to be Lacy’s person! She isn’t undersaddle, yet

Adoption fees may be outdated, as a horse may have moved into training, so check us on most current fee. Horses typically adopted UTD on vaccines, dental floats, farrier care and all vet needs.

Horse Locations Typically: West Virginia – Kentucky – Virginia – Ohio – Maryland – PA – NC

Please inquire about a horse’s specific location when you apply!

We are looking to adopt to safe homes.

A history of good horsemanship, the ability to provide sufficient care with good vet, farrier and peer references are important. If you are a first time horse owner, we will require you to board at a facility for the first year while you learn more about care. We encourage everyone to take advantage of riding lessons.
Foal adoptions require previous, established experience with youngsters.

Our adoption process makes sure you get the right horse for you – it is a no fail process for finding the right match. Apply at

  • Height: 13.1 hh
  • Registered: No
  • Age: 7
  • Date Foaled: 05/28/2017
  • Color: Buckskin
  • Discipline: Other
  • Gender: Mare
  • Is this a rescue?: No
West Virginia
