This young girl, Pip, handles well, is good for the farrier, and has had ground work done!


Pretty Pip was from a rescue that had to close and they needed a place for these horses ASAP. We are trying to help place them. Pip and Dani are buddies. They do not have to go together though it would be great if they could. They are both super sweet. Available for adoption or foster to adopt. Currently located in Driftwood, TX. If you are interested in Pip or any of our other horses, please talk with us about transportation if you don’t live near where the horse currently resides.

  • Registered: No
  • Age: 2
  • Date Foaled: 06/14/2022
  • Color: Bay
  • Gender: Mare
  • Is this a rescue?: Yes
  • Rescue's Name: Stone Valley’s Ray of Hope Equine Rescue
