Sweet, pretty, easy to handle, Arabian mare, Sparkle, seeks her forever riding partner


Sparkle is a 13 year old 14.2 hand Arabian mare. She is sweet, pretty, and easy to handle. She completed an endurance ride in December 2024. Check out videos of Sparkle on our Facebook page.

Our rescue is located in Mancelona, MI, however Sparkle is currently located in TX. Talk with us about transportation if you are interested in adopting Sparkle.

  • Height: 14.2
  • Registered: No
  • Age: 13
  • Date Foaled: 01/14/2012
  • Is this a rescue?: Yes
  • Rescue's Name: Stone Valley’s Ray of Hope Equine Rescue
2430 Lee Derrer Rd, Mancelona, MI 49659,49659,Michigan
