Registered Arabian mare, TTT Super Moon Delight, is available in our foster to adopt program


Available in our foster to adopt program! TTT Supermoon Delight needs a patient person with a lot of time to spend just bonding with her. She does have a long way to go before she will be ready to start and needs consistent attention to get there. Would you like to work with this beauty and become her forever person? She’s gorgeous. If you are interested in TTT Supermoon Delight or any of our other horses, please talk with us about transportation if you don’t live near where the horse currently resides.

  • Height: 14.2
  • Registered: Yes
  • Registration Association: Arabian Horse Association
  • Registration Number: AHR*654304
  • Age: 13
  • Date Foaled: 03/18/2011
  • Color: Gray
  • Is this a rescue?: Yes
  • Rescue's Name: Stone Valley’s Ray of Hope Equine Rescue
