Twizzler has been making leaps and bounds of progress over these last few weeks. I have seen a huge change in him mentally and things really seem to be clicking. He is gaining so much confidence in “strangers”, getting more and more comfortable with a rider, and piecing together so many small pieces that he may have always known, but wasn’t always 100% comfortable with.
Seeing that lightbulb

moment happen is beyond rewarding.
Twizzler has so much heart and try, and is one of the kindest horses I’ve worked with. We still have a few more months of work to put in before we head out to West Virginia in August, where he will hopefully find his perfect person.
He can still be slightly cautious around new people, but his stranger danger is actively drifting away and he is really coming out of his shell. I love watching his personality unfold and gradually start to show it to other people instead of being the shy kid.
At home, we are actively working on progressing his ridden work.
It has been a slow process but going at his pace to maintain positive growth— he’s still fairly green and new to it all, but making steps in the right direction. He has been calm, willing, and looking to me for guidance.
Twizzler is confidently riding walk trot and working on maintaining relaxation and staying responsive to cues.
Adoption fees may be outdated, as a horse may have moved into training, so check us on most current fee. Horses typically adopted UTD on vaccines, dental floats, farrier care and all vet needs.
Horse Locations Typically: West Virginia – Kentucky – Virginia – Ohio – Maryland – PA – NC
Please inquire about a horse’s specific location when you apply!
We are looking to adopt to safe homes.
A history of good horsemanship, the ability to provide sufficient care with good vet, farrier and peer references are important. If you are a first time horse owner, we will require you to board at a facility for the first year while you learn more about care. We encourage everyone to take advantage of riding lessons.
Foal adoptions require previous, established experience with youngsters.
Our adoption process makes sure you get the right horse for you – it is a no fail process for finding the right match. Apply at