MYERS – Gelding/Chestnut/QH – Riding Horse/green


If  you are interested in adopting this horse, please submit an Adoption Inquiry via AAE’s website; No texts please:  Adoption fee subject to change based on training; see website for all current information.

Myers came to AAE in June 2023 with Maia, Portia, and Whiskey after the passing of their owner

AAE doesn’t usually take-in mature stallions, and we weren’t going to take these Myers or Whiskey until we saw them. Besides their condition, these stallions were each tied to stakes on about a 15′ ropes, and the two mares, Portia and Maia, were in adjoining paddocks prior to coming to AAE. We had to set-up paddocks suitable for stallions for quarantine and housing, but we got it done. They needed help. None of the four appear to have had much integration with other horses other than being in adjoining paddocks.

We were told Myers was a 12 year old Quarter Horse, and he was a riding horse at one time. We’ll have a better idea of his age after his dental. Once at AAE, Myers was started on an alfalfa diet (consistent with UCD’s protocol for refeeding malnourished horses). Myers was all-in-all pretty easy to handle, but he was pushy with his head and an occasional shoulder. He loaded willingly. Once in the trailer, we put an empty stall between him and Whiskey. The two guys traveled well back to AAE.

As stallions go, Myers is a relatively nice guy with humans. He showed some mouthy, biting moments early on, but he responded to mild correction and the mouth hasn’t been an ongoing issue. That said, he’s not well socialized with other horses. When other horses pass by or approach his area, he’s very studly. We’re working on that. 

Once he stabilized and gained a bit of weight, he had hoof and dental care, vaccines, deworming, and a microchip, and later he was castrated and had another trim while sedated. He recovered very well. Based on his dental, he was estimated closer to 16.  

About two months after castration, Myers and Whiskey were introduced in the arena. The introduction went so well, they were turned out together with little issue. They shared the arena, then neighboring paddocks for a while until Myers was moved to a herd environment in a small pasture with a group of geldings. It suits him well!  He’s enjoying herd life and freedom! Myers is improving with the farrier.  He’s been saddled and carried a rider without much concern, but he was rusty and will need a fresh start to assure a good beginning to a new relationship. Myers is making progress with ongoing saddlework, but the weather has limited. He’s pretty laid back, but he will need an experienced person to move him forward.

Myers is current with dental and hoof care, vaccines, and deworming, and he has a microchip.

In general, there is a lot of activity around AAE including foot traffic in and out of paddock/pasture areas, mucking with wheelbarrows, grooming and care activities, and weekly farrier visits.  There are various resident animals, as well as various wildlife  in and around paddock/pasture areas.  AAE is on a  busy road with high speed vehicles, trucks, and sirens.  Tractors and trucks are used in and around pasture/paddock areas.  Therefore, horses at AAE are accustomed to a more active environment as opposed to a quiet/sterile environment.

  • Height: 14.3
  • Weight: 1000
  • Registered: No
  • Date Foaled: 01/01/2007
  • Color: Chestnut
  • Gender: Gelding
  • Is this a rescue?: No
  • Rescue's Name: All About Equine Animal Rescue
